Lisa is originally from the charming city of Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada. She completed both her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees at the University of New Brunswick with concentrations in History and English, as well as a Masters Certificate in Language Acquisition from the University of Calgary. Following university, Lisa worked with the University of New Brunswick’s English Language Programme before fulfilling a lifelong dream of travelling and teaching abroad. She is currently undertaking a Masters degree in Counselling from Queen’s University.
This is Lisa’s eleventh year in China and fifth year at ISNS. She has worked with students at the Concord College of Sino-Canada Pre-College Programme before coming to ISNS and is excited for her return to career and university guidance. She is looking forward to working with students in their preparation for their future careers and guiding them through the university application process. Lisa believes in developing strong relationships with students and families in the process of career and college counselling, as all involved work together to develop a best-fit plan for each individual student’s post-secondary education.