Student Attendance

Student attendance is recorded daily and will become part of each student's record.

If a student is sick or needs to be absent for any reason, parents should log in to ManageBac to record the absence.  Parents may also send a message to the receptionists at  An e-mail message to the homeroom teacher would also be helpful. 

Parents whose students ride the school bus should contact their Bus Nanny by phone to let them know if their child is going to be absent.  Contact information for Bus Nannies can be found on the bus route information sheet.

Students will have the opportunity and are responsible for making up work that is missed due to absence for any reason.  Students should check with their teacher to determine what has been missed.  MYP/DP teachers also post syllabi and work online in most cases.

Homerooms will be open by 8:00AM each day.

EY and PYP students arriving prior to 8:10AM should report to the play areas and remain there until the whistle blows indicating they should line up to go to class.  

MYP and DP students arriving before 8:10AM should proceed to their locker areas and homerooms.  

Students arriving after 8:10AM should scan their ID card at the front gate to enter or proceed to the reception desk to receive a tardy slip.  Students arriving after 8:10AM for any reason will be marked late.  All tardies are marked on the student's permanent record.  Parents will be contacted if a child is late more than five times.  If a student is continuously  late, the school principal will administer an appropriate consequence and contact the parents.

If a student must leave school early (before the end of the school day) for any reason, they may only leave the school grounds with written permission from a parent or accompanied by a parent.  Parents who wish to take their child out of school early may come to the reception desk to request to take their child out of school.  Parents of PYP students should inform their child's homeroom teacher if they are picking their child up early.  Students must report to the reception desk to receive a permission form that they are required to show the guard before leaving campus early for any reason.

For PYP students, if a child is to be picked up by someone other than the parent or regular guarding, the parent or guardian should inform the child's homeroom teacher so that they know that it is safe to release the child to a different adult.

School ends at 2:20PM for EY/PYP students and 3:30PM for MYP/DP students.  There is early dismissal for students at 2:20PM/2:30PM on Wednesdays due to staff professional development and collaborative planning.

Students may only remain after school with written parental permission and under the supervision of a designated adult.  Students may not stay on school premises after school dismissal unless they are participating in a supervised school activity.  If parents or other authorized individuals are picking up a student, they are asked to do so before 4:00PM as supervision will not be provided (3:00PM on Wednesdays).

Students with repeated tardies or absences will be referred to the school administration.

Students who must be away from school for an extended period of time should inform the school administration in advance.  Students who are absent for more than twenty days in one academic year may be asked to repeat the grade level.

Examples of Excused and Unexcused Absences 

Examples of Excused Absences (should inform the homeroom teacher in advance):

  • Illness (for absences exceeding two days due to illness, the student/parent will be required to provide an official doctor's statement upon returning which indicates the reason why the student missed school).

  • Medical/Dental appointments (we highly encourage you to make these appointments outside of school hours).

  • Required legal document renewal (Visa, Passport etc.).

  • Religious reasons.

  • Serious family emergency i.e. funeral.

  • Special requests from parents (pre-arranged with Principal).

  • Leaving school early during the regular school day with approval of a school official or in an emergency situation. 

  • Extra-curricular activities, external prep course or tests not associated with ISNS that are pre-approved by a principal and do not cause excessive absences (more than 3 days).

Absences (unexcused):

  • Oversleeping/alarm failure.

  • Leaving campus without following proper procedure or without approval.

  • Shopping/errands/personal grooming.

  • Skipping class.

  • Family vacations.

  • Needed at home/babysitting.

  • Car trouble.

  • Missing the bus/ride.

  • Needing sleep or rest.

  • Extra-curricular activities, external prep course or tests not associated with ISNS that are not pre-approved and cause excessive absences (more than  days).

  • Not in proper uniform.

  • Suspensions.

Total absences should not exceed 20 per year as this could place the student at risk for retention.