Recess and Playtimes


Recess is an important aspect of the school life and helps to foster learning at ISNS.

Students of different ages have recess at a different times throughout the day.

Early Years (K3, K4 and K5) students play outside:

  • Morning recess (K5): 9:40 AM – 10:00 AM

  • Morning recess (K3 and K4): 10:00 AM – 10:20 AM

  • Lunch recess: 12:20 PM – 12:50 PM

  • Afternoon recess: 2:20 PM – 2:40 PM

Grade 1-5 students play outside:

  • Lunch recess: 11:30 AM – 12:20 PM

  • Afternoon recess: 2:05 PM – 2:20 PM

Students must use the playground equipment correctly. They must follow the directions of the adult on duty, and avoid unnecessary rough play or unsafe behavior.

All students must play safely. The teachers, in conversations with students, reinforce guidelines while they play as well as in the classroom. Students may be asked to sit and reflect on their behavior before being allowed to resume play unless their behavior requires a more severe consequence.

During recess times, the K3 to Grade 5 students have access to designated play areas, and MYP and DP students have access to designated play areas, as well as the indoor gym, rooftop gym and fitness room. Students also have access to the library and a Games Room.

Students are to stay in their designated areas during recess times.  The library will be open during lunch recess from 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM. Students may read or do homework in the library but may not play computer games. Library “quiet rules” apply at all times. Food and drinks are not permitted in the Library or in any play areas.

On rainy days and on days when the air quality index reaches greater than 200ppm, all PYP students will remain in their classrooms under the supervision of a duty teacher. MYP and DP students may remain in any of the regular indoor recess areas. Students are not permitted to be in a classroom without a teacher present.

Teacher Supervision Duty Schedule

All teachers are assigned to supervise students outside of class time during play and free times.  Link to Duty Schedule.

Playground Rules

  • Please respect others and play nicely.

  • Be gentle when playing games such as tag.

  • Be mindful of those around you.

  • Plan ahead and use the toilet before going out to recess.

  • Bring a full water bottle with you when going out to play.

  • Stay in the boundaries of the play area where adults can see you.

  • Please do not destroy plants or any garden areas.

  • Please put rubbish in the bins provided.

  • Do not throw rocks or other objects.

Early Years Playground Rules

Students must have adult supervision at all times.

Adult supervisors should limit the use of phones and other devices and focus on the children.

This play equipment is intended for children in K3 to Grade 1:  

Students must use equipment as intended:

  • Please only go down, not up the slides.

  • Please go down the slide feet first.

  • One person at a time down the slide.

  • Please ride bikes in one direction (follow the arrows) and stay in the designated area.

  • When riding bikes, do not crash bikes into each other.

  • Please put bikes away when asked to or when you are done playing.  Ride the bikes back, do not push them back.

  • Please stay off the roof of the plastic cars and the toy houses.

  • Please climb inside (not outside) the play structures such as the macaroni-shaped rope tunnel and tube slides.

Video: Safe Play on the Early Years Play Structure

Field Area Playground Rules

Students must have adult supervision at all times.

Adult supervisors should limit the use of phones and other devices and focus on the children.

When sporting events are taking place on the soccer field, the playground will be closed to students.

During recess time, students should not use the end soccer goals kick balls towards the play area.

This play equipment is intended for children in Grade 1 to Grade 5:  

  • Grades 1-5 may use it before school in the morning. 

  • Grades 2-5 may use it at recess.

Students must use equipment as intended.

  • Please only go down, not up the slides.

  • Please only go down the slides feet first.

  • One person at a time down the slide.

  • Please climb inside (not outside) the play structures.

  • Please do not jump off the play structures.

Video: Safe Play on the Soccer Field

Rope Pyramid Rules

Students must have adult supervision at all times.

Adult supervisors should limit the use of phones and other devices and focus on the children.

When sporting events are taking place on the soccer field, the play structure will be closed to students.

During recess time, students should not use the end soccer goals kick balls towards the play structure.

This play equipment is intended for children in Grade 3 and up.

Only eight children may play on the structure at a time.

Students must use the structure as intended:

  • Please climb inside (not outside) the play structure.

  • Please do not jump off the rope structure.

  • Please do not stand or hang on the metal bars.

Please note: After 3:20pm (and 2:20pm on Wednesdays) parents or their designated guardian are responsible for their own children.  Students cannot remain after school unsupervised. Students staying after school must be involved in a supervised activity/sport or be supervised by you, the parent.The campus closes at 4:00pm (3:00pm on Wednesdays) to anyone not involved in a supervised activity/sport.