Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity


School is an adventure; Academic Integrity is your compass

Honesty and integrity are essential, desirable character traits as recognized in our Code of Conduct and the IBO Learner Profile. ISNS believes that teaching students about academic and personal honesty is a fundamental part of a student's education. 

Academic pursuits can be extremely challenging, but as with all challenges, accomplishing your goal often yields rewards far greater than the effort put into the work. The creation of original work is often an arduous task. Still, the skills learned in doing so – problem-solving, articulating arguments, synthesizing information, rigorous academic research, etc. – will be invaluable as you pursue a university degree and a career. 

ISNS strives to create a safe, collaborative, and encouraging learning environment for students to explore ideas and support academically honest behaviours and help instill the values and principles behind such behaviours. As a continuum school, the learner profile attributes and the development of ATL skills are essential in helping students of all ages be academically honest in all their studies.  

ISNS expects that all IB students will strive to be principled and demonstrate academic integrity in all their pursuits. This policy will provide the expectations of students, teachers and parents in the pursuit of academic integrity, including the responsibility for producing authentic and genuine individual and group work.  

Throughout the Primary Years Programme, teachers will aim to instill an understanding and respect for academic integrity. All subject teachers will work with students of all age groups to develop understanding, highlight the importance of completing one's own work, promote best practices and identify skills that need developing. Violations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, primarily between the teacher and student, but when deemed necessary, with the cooperation of administration and parents/guardians.  

In the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, teachers will continue to build on the principles developed in the PYP and incorporate the responsibilities and guidelines contained within this policy. Students are expected to acknowledge the work and ideas of others and engage with information technology responsibility. The students are prepared for the observation and adherence to ethical and honest practice during examinations. Candidates to the Diploma Programme will be made aware that IB randomly checks candidates' work for plagiarism using web-based plagiarism prevention services, and ISNS teachers and students will use such services to ensure academic honesty (ex. Turnitin). 

It is expected that students will consistently demonstrate academic integrity as outlined in school policy. Each student in the MYP and DP Programmes is asked to sign in acknowledgement of this policy upon enrollment. 

Parents and legal guardians play a crucial role in reinforcing the values and importance of academic integrity. This is particularly important for education in one of the IBO programmes, given the wide recognition that higher education institutions have granted to IB graduates for many years. 

School leadership, programme coordinators and teachers must commit to an honest and open conversation with parents and legal guardians. These conversations will emphasize the commitment expected from all members of the school community. To support their children and the school, parents must accept that academic integrity is a fundamental part of the IB's educational philosophy.  

Parents should also understand the IBO's expectations for schools, coordinators, teachers, and all students. ISNS encourages parents and legal guardians to familiarize themselves with the IB's policy on plagiarism, which is the most common form of misconduct. If parents have questions regarding these expectations, parents should approach the school for clarification. 

Understanding the expectations of the Academic Integrity Policy will equip parents to support their children appropriately. This will include supervising their child's work to ensure the child completes all learning engagements within the bounds of the Academic Integrity Policy. If a parent identifies that their child needs extra assistance, the parent can ensure that all additional support maintains a high standard of academic integrity. Parents are encouraged to seek help from the school in this endeavor. 

In addition to policies and procedures implemented by ISNS, there are serious consequences imposed by the International Baccalaureate Organization for academic misconduct. Students found to have submitted plagiarized or dishonestly produced academic work assessed by the IBO will fail to receive a grade in the subject concerned and will fail to receive an IB diploma as a result. IBDP students will be expected to acknowledge the IBO Academic Integrity Policy formally. 


Academic integrity is when a student showcases their abilities using authorized materials and indicates what work they did and what work was done by others. The student acknowledges their sources and clearly shows where their ideas and images came from.  They display the responsible use of information technology and social media and know how to observe and adhere to ethical and honest practices during examinations.  The student views school as an opportunity to master content and learn through challenges. 



At ISNS, we believe in trusting our intellect, undertaking research and crediting others. When we use or are inspired by someone else's work, we cite them. Give credit where credit is due. “Know what your own and what you owe”.

An example of plagiarism is when: 

  • A student copies someone's ideas or words without citing. 

  • A student paraphrases or summarized someone's thoughts or words without citing. 

  • A student is replacing words from a source without changing the sentence structure and citing. 

  • A student cites sources incorrectly or fabricates sources. 


At ISNS, we demonstrate our achievements, produce original work, authentic results and accept corrections and mistakes as part of the learning process.  

  • An example of cheating is when: 

  • A student uses a piece of work from a previous class to complete an assignment in another class. 

  • A student submits falsified or invented information.  

  • A student uses notes, programmable calculators, or other electronic devices on an assessment when not allowed. 

  • A student pays online services or someone else to complete an assignment for them.  

  • Students share the questions on a test with students who have not yet taken it.

  • Students look at or attempt to look at another student’s work during a test. 

  • A student communicates with another student in any manner during a test.

  • DP students sharing information about an exam 24 hours before or after the examination with others outside their school community. 

Group Work 

At ISNS, we value collaboration as an essential skill and ensure we present our contributions fairly.   

An example of collusion is when: 

  • A student uses work or part of the work from another student and submits it as their own. 

  • A student relies on their group members to do all the work. 

  • A student misrepresents their contribution to a group work assessment. 

  • Students plan a response together, copying a plan for an individual assessment.

Misuse of Translation Applications

Translation apps and reversal searches appear to offer an easy and widely available way to supplement language acquisition. However, while it does enable one's communication skills temporarily, it hinders their language acquisition. Students encounter mistranslations and miss out on gaining knowledge of the denotation and connotation of words, understanding of how the language works, evolving one's understanding of slang and inference and cementing the role language plays in the communication of culture. 

At ISNS, we believe students cannot outsource deep, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural knowledge to a translation app or a reversal search engine, and such technology should only be used to translate single words and phrases. “You can't copy and paste success”.


NOTE: This list does not necessarily cover ALL academically dishonest behaviours. If you are ever in doubt about whether an action is academically dishonest, make sure to ask your teacher. 

Language Acquisition (English, French and Mandarin)  

I demonstrate I have academic integrity by:  

  • Producing original work without the over-use of translations, editing software or the help of outside tutors. 


  • I demonstrate I have academic integrity by: 

  • Only using an authorized “cheat sheet”, notes sheet, or formula sheet during a test.

  • Not using an unauthorized electronic device during a test or assessment.

  • Not asking another student which questions were on a test.

Individuals and Societies 

I demonstrate I have academic integrity by: 

  • Taking responsibility and credit, only for work I have actually performed and to which they have contributed.

  • Use culturally informed and ethical approaches to building knowledge.


I demonstrate I have academic integrity by: 

  • Paraphrasing rather than quoting the scientists and researchers who have helped in developing mytheory. 

  • Backing up any scientific claims with a source. 

  • Using the scientific method to add to the body of scientific knowledge. 

  • Critically evaluating my sources. 

  • Reporting experimental and research findings accurately  

Performing Arts (Music, Theatre Arts) 

I demonstrate I have academic integrity by: 

  • Not using sources from print, online, television or radio, songs, works of art or any other medium without including a proper citation or credit to the author or creator. 

Physical Education 

I demonstrate I have academic integrity by: 

  • Demonstrating fair play, by being principled and playing within the laws/rules of games/activities. 

  • Contribute equally when working within a group/team and present learning in a group. 

  • Acknowledging sources of information in presentations 

English Language and Literature 

I demonstrate academic integrity by:  

  • Doing independent critical thinking and not using SparkNotes, Enotes, Wikipedia, etc  

  • Conducting the writing process in full (brainstorm – outline – rough draft – edit – publish) 

  • Effective approaches to editing of written work and giving constructive feedback during peer editing sessions 

  • Proper formatting of different text types 


When an examination is underway, acts of maladministration can also be committed by school administrators or invigilators. Examples of this can include: 

  • Additional time being granted to students without authorization from the IB, College Board, Cambridge, New Brunswick Board of Education, the student support coordinator or the subject teacher responsible for the examination.  

  • An insufficient number of invigilators 

  • Poorly trained invigilators 

  • Failing to monitor student bathroom visits 


The ISNS Academic Integrity Committee's (AIC) mission is to promote a caring learning environment that honours and supports the principles of honest effort, inquiry, and achievement in all aspects of our school community. The AIC supports the understanding and commitment to integrity, development of the IB learner attributes and implementation of integrity policies. 

The AIC has developed a detailed continuum of academic integrity skills from grades K-12 to ensure students can learn, practice and master age-appropraite academic integrity skills. This resource is unique to ISNS and highlights our belief that “a culture of integrity earns a degree of respect”.


Students are responsible for: 

  • Having a complete understanding of the ISNS Academic Integrity policy and the IB0's policies 

  • Responding to acts of student academic misconduct and acts of school maladministration by reporting them to their teachers and programme coordinator 

  • Completing all assignments, tasks, examinations, and quizzes in an honest manner and to the best of their abilities. 

  • Giving credit to used sources in all work submitted for assessment in written, oral materials and artistic products. 

  • Citing sources by clarifying which words, ideas, images, and works are from others, including maps, charts, musical compositions, films, computer source codes and any other material. 

  • Giving credit for copied, adapted, paraphrased and translated materials from others. 

  • Making sure that information used is acknowledged in the body of the text and is fully listed in the bibliography using the referencing style agreed with the teacher. 

  • Abstaining from receiving non-permitted assistance in completing or editing work, such as from friends, relatives, other students, private tutors, essay writing or copy-editing services, pre-written essay banks or file-sharing websites. 

  • Abstaining from giving undue assistance to peers in the completion of their work. 

  • Showing responsible use of the internet and associated social media platforms. 

  • Following ISNS guidelines on acceptable use of translation applications  

Teachers are responsible for: 

  • Being familiar with the ISNS and IBO Academic Integrity policies and introducing these policies to students in the first term of each academic year clearly informing them about how academic misconduct will be investigated and how subsequent actions will be taken. 

  • Ensure that skills from the Academic Integrity Skills Continuum are taught within their curriculum. 

  • Being proactive in preventing misconduct by modeling effective citations and referencing and providing examples of academic misconduct in their respective disciplines. 

  • Planning a manageable workload so students can allocate time effectively to produce work according to IB's expectations.  

  • Giving feedback and ensuring students are not provided with excessive templating or multiple rounds of editing would be contrary to instructions described in the relevant subject guides. 

  • Ensuring that all student work is appropriately labelled and saved to avoid any error when submitting assessment to the IBO 

  • Developing a plan to cross-reference work across multiple groups of students when preparing to submit final pieces of work for assessment to prevent collusion. 

  • Carrying out the appropriate disciplinary procedures if any violation of the Academic Integrity Policy occurs, tracking incidents of academic misconduct using ManageBac behaviour notes and reporting any incident of academic misconduct and subsequent sanctions to parents. 

  • Inform MYP and DP student about the use of  

Parents are responsible for: 

  • Collaborating with the administrative and teaching team in the promotion of academic integrity. 

  • Understand IBO policies, procedures, and subject guidelines in completing coursework or examination papers by their children. 

  • Support their children's understanding of IB policies, procedures and subject guidelines. 

  • Understand school internal policies and procedures that safeguard the authenticity of their children's work. 

  • Support their children in planning a manageable workload.  

  • Understand what constitutes student academic misconduct and its consequences. 

  • Understand what constitutes school maladministration and its consequences. 

  • Report any potential cases of student misconduct or school maladministration to the school's directorate and/or the IBO. 

  • Submit only genuine and/or authentic evidence to support a request for inclusive access arrangements or adverse circumstances considerations for their children 

  • Abstain from giving or obtaining assistance in the completion of work to their children 

Librarian Teachers are responsible for:  

  • Preparing and teaching age-appropriate Library lessons to teach students the meaning and importance of Academic Integrity. 

  • Organizing and sharing resources for students and teachers using various methods (digital curation, lessons, presentations, activities). 

  • Ensuring the Library web page is updated with the most current information for the wider ISNS community, including access to the school's subscriptions as well as library accounts for various resources and databases. 

  • Ensuring the Link of Links leads to the library webpage and indicates Academic Integrity practices are available there. 

  • Collaborating with teachers as needed to introduce, supplement, extend or practice academic integrity elements used in their classes. 

  • Creating library displays to support academic integrity and showcasing student work that demonstrates understanding of AI.  

  • Being familiar with current topics in library-related academic honesty. 

  • Ensuring there is MLA citation communication at one all-staff year, inform and validate that training is occurring in classrooms, and remind and offer Librarians a secondary resource. 

Program Coordinators are responsible for:

  • Organizing meetings with teachers, students and their parents or legal guardians to explain the academic integrity policy and respond to any questions that may arise.

  • Taking responsibility for ensuring that class schedules and calendars are appropriate, allowing students to realistically meet the demands of the programme and course of studies

  • Ensuring that all regulations, policies and subject guides are easily located both in printed format in the library and electronic in the school’s web portal. 


Guidelines for Handling Instances of Academic Misconduct - Middle Years Programme  

All MYP teachers accept responsibility for teaching and promoting academic integrity in their subject area including teaching MLA citations and correct formatting. Any minor forms of academic misconduct (ex. Incorrect citation or MLA format, forgotten citation, etc.) will be treated as a teachable moment at the teacher's discretion. 

For more serious and intentional forms of academic misconduct (ex. Intentional plagiarism, lack of works cited page, etc.), the issue will be appropriately documented in ManageBac as well as parents contacted, and the following procedures will apply: 

Grades 6-8

First two occurrences in any subject

Will be treated as a teachable moment, and the student will be assigned to the next available MLA workshop in the library to receive support in reworking their assessment so there is no longer academic misconduct. Whatever is submitted at the end of the workshop will be graded accordingly by the teacher. If nothing is submitted, the student will receive a grade of 0. Any incidents will be logged in ManageBac (visible to parents) and the Grade Level Lead informed. 

Additional occurrences

Student will be assigned a detention the following day and will have until the end of the detention at 12:20pm to resubmit the assignment with no further issues of academic misconduct. The student is responsible for showing the duty teacher the assessment has been uploaded to ManageBac by the end of the detention. Whatever is submitted will be graded, and if nothing is submitted, or the submission still contains issues of misconduct, the student will receive a grade of 0. 

  • Collusion – any instances of intentional collision will result in an automatic grade of 0 for both students involved and parents contacted. 

  • Cheating – any instances of cheating during a test will result in an automatic grade of 0 and parents contacted. 

Any incidents will be logged in ManageBac (as notify parents via email) and the Grade Level Lead informed. Any academic malpractice disqualifies a student from receiving scholarships and/or awards for that academic year.  

Grades 9-10  

Learning experiences

At the teacher's discretion, an incident of unintentional misconduct may be used as a learning experience for the student, with the repercussions being decided by the teacher in collaboration with the Grade Level Lead and MYP Coordinator. Any incidents will be logged in ManageBac by the teacher (as notify parents via email). 

First offense

Student will receive a grade of zero for the piece of work, and a meeting between the student, the subject teacher, and the MYP Coordinator or Grade Level Lead will be set to discuss the incident. In addition, the concerned teacher will document the incident in ManageBac and ensure parents are informed. 

Second offense

Student will receive a grade of zero for the piece of work. A panel consisting of, but not limited to the student, subject teacher, Grade Level Lead, MYP Coordinator, Principal, and parents/guardians will convene to determine whether the malpractice was intentional. Based on the panel's findings, the student may be placed on an academic contract which could result in the student's removal from ISNS, or the student being uninvited back the following year. In addition, the concerned teacher will document the incident in ManageBac (as notify parents via email). 

Third offense

Student will receive a grade of zero for the piece of work. A panel consisting of the student, Grade Level Lead, MYP Coordinator, Principal, and parents/guardians will convene to determine whether the malpractice was intentional. Based on the panel's findings, the student may be dismissed from the school, or the student may not be invited back the following year. In addition, the principal will document the incident in ManageBac (as notify parents via email). 

Guidelines for Handling Instances of Academic Misconduct in the Diploma Programme

*** Please note that the following guidelines will be used on a case by case basis. The sanctions for each incident will be reflect the severity of the academic misconduct.***  

In any case of academic misconduct in the DP, the Secondary Principal, DP Coordinator, HOD, course teacher, and parents must be informed of the incident, and a note must be placed in the student's profile in the behavior notes section of ManageBac. Should Universities inquire about any student's previous issues with academic misconduct, ISNS will be truthful in its response.  

DP In-Class Formative and Summative Assessments  

First offense

Student will receive a grade of zero for the piece of work, and a meeting between the student, the subject teacher, and the DP Coordinator will be set to discuss the incident. In addition, the concerned teacher will document the incident in ManageBac and ensure parents are informed.  

Subsequent offenses

Situations where there has been a prior offence or there is a serious and significant instance of academic misconduct. A panel consisting of, but not limited to: the student, subject teacher, Grade Level Lead, DP Coordinator, Principal, and parents/guardians will convene to determine whether the misconduct was intentional. Based on the panel's findings, the student could be removed from the Diploma Programme at ISNS. The concerned teacher will document the incident in ManageBac. 

Official IBO DP Internal and External Assessments  

First offense on a first draft:

For minor issues of academic misconduct (ex. partial/or incomplete citation or reference), the teacher could view the situation as an opportunity to reiterate the importance of time management skills, review citation and referencing guidelines, as well as reiterate the consequences for another infraction. A serious issue of academic misconduct (ex. plagiarizing an entire section of their work) on the first draft would result in the student redoing his/her work in detention hall (during and after school) until his/her assessment is properly cited and referenced. For such an offense, the student would not be removed from the Diploma Programme, but the teacher would need to add a behavior note in Managebac and email the student's parents about the infraction. The secondary principal and DP Coordinator will meet with the student to discuss the repercussion of a subsequent instance of Academic Misconduct would mean for the student. 

Multiple instances of academic misconduct on a first draft:

A panel consisting of, but not limited to: the student, subject teacher, Grade Level Lead, DP Coordinator, Principal, and parents/guardians will convene to determine whether the subsequent misconduct was intentional. Based on the panel's findings, the student could be removed from the Diploma Programme at ISNS. The concerned teacher will document the incident as a behavior note via ManageBac. 

Final submission of Internal and External Assessments:

All submissions are final, and there are no amendments allowed after a final copy is submitted. This rule is in line with the ISNS Late Submission Policy and follows IB regulations for submission of work. Students all sign a declaration of authenticity that states their work is authentic and that they consent to sending it to the IB Organization for marking. Should academic misconduct be discovered after these steps, the school will not send the work to the IB organization as we are required to award the piece of work an 'F' or mark it as a non-submission in the case of the Extended Essay or Theory of Knowledge Essay. See: 'Procedures for dealing with policy breaches by students- cases identified by the school.' IB Academic Integrity policy pg. 24. The student will be removed from the Diploma Programme, will become a Diploma Courses Candidate, and will be invited to resit the course in the next IB Examination period (November or May) should they want to complete the full Diploma Programme. 

  • Allowing the teacher responsible for the subject being examined to enter the examination hall and assist their students. 

  • Not resetting calculators and/or monitoring approved devices  

  • Not removing unapproved devices 

  • Failure to properly secure testing materials in accordance with rules and regulations of the test being administered. 

This policy will be reviewed bi-annually by the Academic Integrity Committee, with input from teaching leads and other staff, beginning in October 2016. Revised August 2018, January 2020 and April 2021.

Students will be asked to sign a declaration stating that they understand and agree to comply with the ISNS Academic Integrity Policy.