ISNS全年都会为家长举办关于IB小学项目(PYP)的信息讲座。有些讲座在白天举行,有些则在晚上或放学后举行。 我们欢迎并鼓励家长参加这些讲座,因为了解小学项目将使他们能够支持探究单元教学的开展,并帮助他们的孩子发展该项目所必需的五个要素。有关这些讲座的信息将会被公布在学校网站上,并通过各种电子或其他方式发送给家长。
1A: Reasons for Adapting Play-Based Approach at ISNS
1B: How is Play-Based Learning Connected to IB's approach to Education
1C:What is Play-Based Learning?
1D:What children's play is not?
1E: A. What does inquiry through play look like?
1E: B. How can Parents support their child's play?
1F: What is Loose Parts play and how can parents set this up at home?
1G-A: What is the Role of a Teacher in Play?
1G-B: Part 2: What is the Role of Teachers in Play? Listening, Provoking & Observing
1G-C: Part 3: What is the Role of Teachers in Play? Observing & Documenting
1H-A: What is Documentation?
1H- C: Part A: What are some Documentation tools used by early years educators?
1H- C: Part B: What are some Documentation tools used by early years educators?
A: Play isn’t a Luxury,It’s a Necessity
B: The Importance of Balanced Play
C: Our Playful Environments in the EY at ISNS
D: Cultivating Empathy in the Early Years at ISNS
E: Playing Together: Kids Collaborate & Negotiate
F: Play and a Growth Mindset
G: The Power of Tapping into Student Interests
H: Supporting Goals with Playful Tools and Charts
Upcoming workshops