ISNS Statement on School Records and Documents
ISNS maintains a permanent record of each student’s final marks earned at the end of the school year. This record is called a “transcript.” Unofficial transcripts are available on ManageBac.
There are two kinds of transcripts that ISNS issues —official and unofficial. An “official” transcript is one that is signed by a school official and has a stamp or raised seal. An “unofficial” transcript is one that is not signed and bears no stamp or seal.
The transcript is the permanent record of a student’s final marks and can be issued by the Academic Office on various occasions, i.e. applications for university, summer programs, scholarships, boarding schools, and high schools to which an ISNS student is applying to transfer.
To preserve the authenticity of the transcript and to protect the student from any potential misuse of the record, ISNS sends official transcripts directly to the requesting university, high school, boarding school, summer program or scholarship program. Official transcripts (paper or scanned versions) are not given to the student, his/her family members, hired educational consultants or agencies, and other third parties.
ISNS students are welcome to request unofficial copies of their transcripts for their personal records or for submission to applications and programs that do not require official records. These unofficial transcripts can be printed off by parents because they have access to ManageBac.
A Report Card is an electronic picture of the student’s academic progress at any point during the school year. A Report Card is not an official document, although a student may be asked to provide a copy during the application process to his/her next school or summer program.
Teacher and/or Counselor recommendations sometimes are needed for university, summer program, or other school applications. As with official transcripts, recommendations are sent directly to the requesting program. They are not given to students, parents, or other third parties. Teachers will give recommendations to the requisite counselor to transmit or will upload them individually as required.
Cumulative Record/Card information may be in digital or hard copy form. These additional Non-Official documents are available to parents and students on ManageBac. Formal requests for this information must go to the Academic Office if it is not available on ManageBac.
(October 2017)