Policies & Procedures

Student Support Policies, Procedures and Levels of Support

Adapted from Nanjing International School’s Learning Support Handbook, September 2018  

The Student Support Team (SST) at ISNS works to help students reach their full potential as successful, empowered learners within an inclusive educational environment. 

The ISNS Student Support Team (SST) includes: 

  • Head of Student Support

  • Learning Support Teachers

  • PYP Literacy Coordinator

  • PYP Math/Numeracy Coordinator 

  • Counsellors

  • EAL Team  

Admission of Students with Exceptionalities 

Information Required for Admission

  • A current school report, plus the final school reports from the previous two school years 

  • An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or similar Learning Support Plan from the previous school (if applicable) 

  • A psycho-educational assessment (if applicable) 

  • Standardized test scores 

All student information contained in admissions files is confidential and will be shared with discretion and professionalism. 

Parental disclosure: In order for us to understand each student’s learning profile and to plan appropriate educational opportunities, we require that parents disclose essential information related to their child’s learning at the time of their application. We appreciate open and transparent dialogue that occurs between home and school.  

The Admissions Process 

  • The Admissions Office collects and compiles complete application documents from the family, previous schools, and any other related organizations or professionals.

  • If there is an indication that the student has special needs, the file is sent to the Principal and the relevant Student Support Team members for review and discussion.

  • After collection of additional information and/or further discussion, the Principal makes a recommendation regarding admission to ISNS.

  • The Head of School makes the final admission decision. 

In order to maintain an effective student-teacher ratio and ensure service of high quality, we offer a limited amount of space for students with special needs. 

Students with significant intellectual, physical, behavioral, emotional and/or psychological challenges requiring intensive one-on-one support (Tier 3) cannot be supported by ISNS. ISNS only accepts students with mild to moderate learning needs (i.e. learning disabilities, ADHD, mild autism, etc.).