
Hospitals and Clinics

A number of Hospitals and Clinics in Shenzhen provide western-style facilities and quality care.  Below are a few recommended locations that are accepted by the school’s insurance plan.

Vista-SK International Medical Center 维世达胜凯国际医疗中心

Level 4, Building 4C, Shenzhen Software Industry Base, Xuefu Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Phone: +86 (755) 3689 9688

Email: vistask@vista-sk.com

Our school nurses are employed by Vista Clinic.  They offer a special annual Physical Exam package for ISNS teachers as well as Flu shots.

Distinct Clinic 卓正医疗

Room 901, Block C, Tiley Central Plaza, Haide 3rd Rd, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Phone:+86 (755) 2167 7955

Distinct offers a special annual Physical Exam package for ISNS teachers as well as Flu shots.

Chiho Clinic 志浩综合门诊部

Unit 203, Block B, International Chamber of Commerce Building, Fu Hua 1st Road, Shenzhen

Phone: +86 (755) 8830 1468

Email: kokusaiclinic@tpmmedical.com

University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital 香港大学深圳医院 

1, Haiyuan 1st Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 广东深圳市福田区海园一路(白石路与侨城东路交汇)香港大学深圳医院

Appointment Hotline:0755-86913366


Hyzen Hospital 禾正医院

Located directly across the street from ISNS on Longyuan Road.

Emergency Phone: 86695120 or 86939120

Inquiry Phone: 4001120333

Scan the QR code below to add the hospital on WeChat.

Medical Information